Erin Treiber

Erin Treiber, MOT, OTR/L, has more than 15 years of experience working with and on behalf of people with disabilities through direct service, governmental and agency consulting, and agency management. Erin acquired her Masters Degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Washington in 2015, and as an occupational therapist she now works with children and adults of all ages to promote, regain, or maintain health and well-being. Erin specializes in facilitating organizational and problem solving skills related to time management, personal workspace, productivity, and task completion, matching an individual’s strengths and interests to those in the work environment. Skills addressed might include: communication and social demands in the environment such as following directions, asking for help, and initiating and concluding conversations as well as identifying and developing vocabulary specific to the work environment; incorporating and building self-advocacy skills including the ability to express the need for accommodations, assistive technology, adaptive equipment, and environmental needs. Erin is also experienced in supporting activities associated with a job search including practicing for interviews, initiating job contacts, and following up with contacts; coaching employers and co-workers in disability awareness including specific strategies to facilitate interaction and cooperation between workers with and without disabilities.