Jennifer L. White

Jennifer L. White, owner of Able Opportunities, Inc, has had the good fortune of working her entire career with people with disabilities teaching her how to level the playing field by using, inventing, and re-inventing accommodations and strategies that honor the skills, needs, and desires of each individual. As a teacher, independent living skills trainer, and vocational rehabilitation specialist, she works with a broad spectrum of people in school, community, residential, and vocational settings. As a technical assistance consultant, she offers trainings covering topics such as communication systems and strategies for people who are non-linguistic and their teams, reducing challenging behavior, job carving techniques, tracking systems that empower, production charts and cost analysis sheets to strengthen employer/employee relationships, and the relationship of work and money. As part of the Deaf and Deaf-Blind communities in Seattle, she is a fluent signer, able to offer services in ASL. In 2014 she launched the Work Autonomy App, a person-centered accommodation tool.