Michael Stegemeier

Michael Stegemeier began serving individuals living with disabilities in the year 2000 and became enamored with the idea of enriching the lives of those met. Since, he has spent years immersing himself in the lives of those served and had the good fortune to have expanded opportunities in residential care, behavioral science and, most recently, community employment. He has overseen the transformation of a Portland based sheltered workshop to a community based Pathway to Employment program and works in job development and job coaching, overseeing both sides of employment services as the Community Employment Program Manager for Community Services Inc. With a diverse educational background from Umpqua Community College in Roseburg where he grew up to University of North Dakota and most recently Highline College in Vancouver, Michael is also an educator who teaches Oregon Interventions Systems, Systematic Instruction, annual training segments for CSI staff and a teacher assistant for Highline Community College’s Employment Professional certified program . Now living in Banks Oregon, he is an avid family man, outdoorsman, and sports enthusiast.